
I’m Anna DunLany, an astrologer who practices medieval Islamicate astrology. I started learning modern astrology in my teens, and I have slowly shifted to techniques that align with my values of respect for life and the recognition that we are part of a larger cosmological system.

I hope to provide guidance that sparks your own continued interest in astrology. If you want to learn more about me, subscribe to my newsletter.

Astrologers never stop learning, and I am a student of Samuel Reynolds and Dr. Ali A. Olomi, both specializing in forms of medieval astrology. I serve on the board of directors of the Association for Young Astrologers (AYA), and I’m a member of the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) and the National Geocosmic Center for Research (NCGR).

Astronaut Pants?

Astronaut Pants was born out of a phrase from a magnetic poetry set, and soon became my screen name on twitter. The account was a way to record the silly things my roommates and I experienced as we navigated our early twenties. Soon I was using twitter as an avid collector of odds facts, current events, and jokes. Much later, I discovered that the account and I share the same ascendant degree in Virgo! For better or for worse, I am Astronaut Pants, using my curiosity to make friends and discover new ways of seeing the world.